Ojito Adentro

Much like the Dog Canyon hike in Big Bend National Park that I talked about here, the Ojito Adentro (or, something to the effect of “little spring within”) hike at the Big Bend Ranch State Park is a great way to acclimate yourself to your surroundings.   It’s only a few miles west of Papolotito Colorado right off of the main park road – and easy to get to; no 4×4 required.


The hike itself is fairly short, just under 2 miles round trip.  And it’s fairly easy.  In the above image, the cottonwoods identify your final destination.

The most challenging aspect of this hike isn’t the distance, but a nice little section where you will be scrambling hand over foot around boulders and trees.

mystic cottonwood

There are several options around this magnificent cottonwood – and all of them require some degree of flexibility – but to get to the end of the trail, you’ve gotta get around this massive tree.

In addition to having to scramble around obstacles, footing in places can be tricky if you are not paying attention – as you can see in this image,  there are several layers and sizes of rocks and boulders hiding beneath the leaves.  Step carefully to avoid rolling an ankle or twisting a knee and you’ll be fine.

watch your step

Once you make it into the canyon itself, its very easy to forget your in the middle of one of the most inhospitable desert environments in the world. The heavily wooded canyon floor is nearly 100% in the shade in places and between the sound of the wind in the trees and the water gurgling along just out of sight – it’s just about perfect.

All to soon, you will reach the end of the trail at a fantastic little grotto.


Bring along a snack so you have an excuse to sit around and enjoy the scene!


The hike back out is easy and it’s almost a shock to the system to be exposed to the open vistas, hot wind and direct sunlight of the desert.

~ by Derrick Birdsall on April 2, 2010.

2 Responses to “Ojito Adentro”

  1. The “Peaceful” shot is great – it really does feel peaceful. But, I think I like the “grotto” best as it has green on one side and brown on the other – almost a life and death moment. The rock almost looks like it has 2 eyes and a nose and the hole is the mouth! Or maybe it is just me!


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