
There’s a small village, for lack of a better word, in Big Bend National Park named Castolon.  There’s a lovely old general store and a cluster of old buildings that all in all are stark reminders of the people who tried to hack out a living from the desert by setting up irrigation farming close to the Rio Grande.

The contrast of nature’s curves and man’s straight lines drew my eye to this scene and captivated my imagination.



~ by Derrick Birdsall on February 13, 2013.

19 Responses to “Castolon”

  1. some things are better in b&w 🙂


  2. Rustic, in all its beauty, well captured!


  3. You always bring back memories. We are heading back to Big Bend in a couple of months.


  4. For lack of a better word, ‘DAAAANNNNNG’!


  5. Reblogged this on places-names [from a peripatetic point of view].


  6. Sure, I may be an amphibian but I’d still give my left flipper to shoot this place with you Derrick. I just love your processing and the very strong feeling of history you’ve brought along here! Top drawer!!


  7. Perfect old west scene.


  8. […] Castolon – I just love the old historic feel to this great photograph by Derrick Birdsall.  Fabulous tones in the way that Derrick processed this shot bring this strong feel out, featuring some great natural leading lines and shapes with just enough detail to instill a sense of nostalgia. […]


  9. It must have been a hard life out there but you catch the serenity so beautifully!


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