
It is so wonderful to watch these magnificent creatures back into their natural environment!!  The folks at Caprock Canyon State Park have done a great job of letting visitors experience the bison and it’s well worth the effort of getting out to the park to see it.

but, mom!!!

~ by Derrick Birdsall on September 19, 2012.

14 Responses to “Timeless”

  1. So sweet.


  2. It’s great to see places where the buffalo can roam again… they are amazing animals.

    I like the sepia tone here… it’s like stepping back 150 years.


  3. “Are we there yet?” What a great shot Derrick!


  4. Good to see these animals making a comeback. Great shot.


  5. Now that’s a sight…
    it’s really something to see such a gentle moment between such giant / powerful creatures! Very cool, Mr. B!


  6. The little one is so precious! Great photo!


  7. It is a lovely portrait of mother and child!


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